User statistics for srale

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Summary Period: 2003-05-17 to 2003-10-26

Total Changes

858 (30.9%)

Lines Of Code

53098 (33.1%)


ModuleChangesLines of codeLines each change
/ 287 (33.4%) 31480 (59.2%) 109
test/ 64 (7.4%) 8930 (16.8%) 139
src/ 265 (30.8%) 5978 (11.2%) 22
src/tinyxml/ 9 (1.0%) 3584 (6.7%) 398
include/ 195 (22.7%) 1643 (3.0%) 8
docs/ 7 (0.8%) 1159 (2.1%) 165
themes/ 11 (1.2%) 220 (0.4%) 20
tools/ 6 (0.6%) 99 (0.1%) 16
VisualC7/ 2 (0.2%) 5 (0.0%) 2
src/fonts/ 12 (1.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0
Sum 858 (100%) 53098 (100%) 61

Most Recent Commits

26/10/03 07:12
Added proper surface locking.
3 lines of code changed in:
src/aedWindow.cpp (+3)

26/10/03 06:50
Small changes to the test programs so they now compile.
8 lines of code changed in:
test: main.cpp (+1 -1), testsprite.cpp (+2 -1)
themes: gtk.cpp (+4 -4), industrial.cpp (+1 -1)

04/10/03 09:40
Draw active border (indicating focus) in a couple of widgets.
23 lines of code changed in:
src/aedTheme.cpp (+23 -7)

04/10/03 09:22
Fixed a bug in aedWindow's destructor.
10 lines of code changed in:
include/aedWindow.h (+1 -1), src/aedWindow.cpp (+9 -15)

01/10/03 19:02
Some gl detection tweaks. s/TRUE/true/g (and s/FALSE/false/g) in gltest.cpp.
16 lines of code changed in: (+5 -3), include/ (+3), test/gltest.cpp (+8 -8)

23/09/03 15:12
Fixed aedWindow::setId ("" is now invalid id). Small changes here and there.
7 lines of code changed in:
src/aedWindow.cpp (+4 -1), test/ (+1 -1)
src/tinyxml: tinyxml.cpp (+1 -1), tinyxml.h (+1 -2)

22/09/03 06:22
Added xmltest to makefiles.
13 lines of code changed in:
include/ (+1), src/ (+2), test/ (+10 -3)

20/09/03 09:49
Added source files for latest tinyxml under src/tinyxml.
3590 lines of code changed in: (+1), src/ (+7 -2)
src/tinyxml: (new 0), tinystr.cpp (new 303), tinystr.h (new 233), tinyxml.cpp (new 1068), tinyxml.h (new 988), tinyxmlerror.cpp (new 50), tinyxmlparser.cpp (new 940)

19/09/03 15:22
removeWindow() now sets window's parent to NULL after removing it
from the children list.
7 lines of code changed in:
src/aedWindow.cpp (+7 -3)

18/09/03 17:21
Replaced isActive() with hasFocus(). Updated the TODO file.
18 lines of code changed in:
TODO (+4 -4), include/aedWindow.h (+8 -6)
src: aedTextBox.cpp (+2 -2), aedTheme.cpp (+2 -3), aedWindow.cpp (+2 -7)

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